
Visual Programming | Computer-Assisted Composition

OM Class protocol

Classes defined by the macros defclass! or defclass* have a set of methods for instance creation, visualisation and edition. For example if you define a class by:

  (defclass! rgb-color ()
    ((red-comp :initform 0 :initarg :red-comp :accessor red-comp)
     (green-comp :initform 0 :initarg :green-comp :accessor green-comp)
     (blue-comp :initform 0 :initarg :blue-comp :accessor blue-comp))
    (:documentation "color with components red, blue and green.")
    (:icon 179))

A factory and an editor are associated to the class by default.

To change the “miniview” appearance you need only to subclass the mehod draw-obj-in-rect:

  (defmethod draw-obj-in-rect ((self rgb-color) x x1 y y1 edparams view))

The view parameter determine the view where the object is shown, x, x1, y, y1 specify a rectangle into the view. Some instances need some values for edition (i.e. font size, etc), you can use the edparams parameter for this porpose.

For our example the next method definition:

 (defmethod draw-obj-in-rect ((self rgb-color) x x1 y y1 edparams view)
    (declare (ignore edparams view))
    (om-with-fg-color self (om-make-color (red-comp self) (green-comp self) (blue-comp self))
      (om-fill-rect x y x1 y1)))

shows the rgb-color instance as a color (!!!)

Writing an editor

You can define a subclass of omboxeditcall, for example :</P>

  (defclass colorfactory (omboxeditcall) ())

To associate the new box class with the rgb-color class using the next method:

  (defmethod get-type-of-ed-box ((self rgb-color)) colorfactory)

..and redefine methods of OMBoxEditCall.

Double-click on a factory call the OpenEditorFrame method with the factory as argument. If there is not an editor for the class the default editor is open. In order to write an editor we start to define the method class-has-editor-p.

  (defmethod Class-has-editor-p ((self rgb-color)) t)

The next method associate the editor’s class name with the class edited:

  (defmethod get-editor-class ((self rgb-color)) 'colorEditor)

Finally we define the editor class which is a subclass of EditorView:

  (defclass colorEditor (EditorView) ())

Temporal classes

You can not put rgb-color instances in a maquette because they are not temporal objects, if you want the instances of your class to be temporal objects your class must inherit from the simple-container or the container classes:

  (defclass! rgb-color (simple-container)
    ((red-comp :initform 0 :initarg :red-comp :accessor red-comp)
     (green-comp :initform 0 :initarg :green-comp :accessor green-comp)
     (blue-comp :initform 0 :initarg :blue-comp :accessor blue-comp))
    (:documentation "color with componenents red, blue and green.")
    (:icon 179))