
Visual Programming | Computer-Assisted Composition

Score Segmentation and Analysis in OM (6.6 and higher)

Since v.6.6 OM provides a framework for sound segmentation an analysis integrated in the musical objects architecture.

Read the full paper: J. Bresson, J., C. Pérez Sancho, New Framework for Score Segmentation and Analysis in OpenMusic. Sound and Music Computing conference (SMC), 2012.


This frameworks builds on few simple concepts:


=> In order to define an analysis to be integrated in OM, just define your own class :

(defclass my-analysis (abstract-analysis) ())


Predefined subclasses and attributes:

class name attributes description
TIME-SEGMENT t1, t2 segment defined between to times (t1 and t2)
MARKER-SEGMENT t simple marker at time t
CHORD-SEGMENT index-list segment containing the chord(s) whose index are in index-list
MEASURE-SEGMENT index-list segment containing the measure(s) whose index are in index-list
CHORD-MARKER chord-index marker at chord #chord-index (the marker may implicitly define the segment up to the next marker)
PROPERTY-SEGMENT test-function segment defined by a property (any score element complying with the property is implicitly included in the segment)


Programmer Interface

A relatively simple programmer interface allows to create or call the relevant analysis procedures, or define particular behaviors for the interactions and display of the analysis in the score editors.

Segments API

These function may be redefined in the case of using user-specific segment classes.

function name attributes description expected return values/types
segment-begin segment beginning time of the segment number
segment-end segment end time of the segment number
segment-init segment called at segment creation -
segment-update segment, object called when the ‘object’ is modified -
draw-segment segment, view draws the segment in the score editor (view) -
segment-clicked-p segment, view, position is the segment selected by a click at ‘position’? T or NIL

Analysis API

These functions shall be redefined depending on the features and interface of the analysis class.

function name attributes description expected return values/types
default-segment-class analysis the type of segments used for this analysis symbol (class name)
compatible-analysis-p analysis,object compatibility of the analysis with different classes of score objects T or NIL
analysis-init analysis,object called when the analysis is attached to object -

These functions will affect and activate the available options in the menus etc:

compute-segments-p analysis is analysis capable of computing segments T or NIL
analyse-segments-p analysis can analysis analyze a list of existing segments T or NIL
compute+analyse-segments-p analysis can analysis run both operations at a time T or NIL

Main analysis procedures:

compute-analysis-segments analysis,object the segmentation process a list of segment instances
analyse-one-segment analysis,segment,object analysis of one segment: sets something in segment-data -

Segment specific processing :

analysis-init-segment analysis,segment called when segment is added to analysis -
delete-from-analysis analysis,segment called when user removes a segment -

Display :

segment-data-tostring analysis, segment a simple display for the segment data string
draw-segment-data analysis, segment, view personalize the drawing of the segment data on view -

User events callbacks:

analysis-key-event analysis, view, key defines personalized actions for keyboard events -
analysis-add-click analysis, view, key _defines personalized action for add-click _ -
handle-segment-click analysis, segment, view, position called when a segment is clicked -
handle-segment-doubleclick analysis, segment, view, position called when a segment is double-clicked -

Segment creation callbacks:

segment-handle-add-click segment, analysis, view, position called when a segment is created in this analysis by a mouse click a segment
segment-handle-add-key segment, analysis, view called when a segment is created in this analysis with key ‘s’ a segment

How does it work ?

1) The ‘segmentation’ mode

In the score editor (chord-seq, voice), select Segmentation in the présentation modes (menu “Présentation” or contextual menu).

You have now two options in the contextual menu:

Since you don’t have any attached analysis yet, you can try “Add new analysis” and try to attach one of the available analyses (if any).

In principle simple-segmentation is the only default analysis in OM.
Additional analysis may be loaded in other projects, libraries, or in your own source code.

simple-segmentation does nothing in particular: it just allows you to set markers (marker-segment) at some positions in your score (cmd+click).
(user-defined subclasses may propose more advanced features).

At the top of the editor window you can see that your current segmentation is a simple-segmentation containing 3 segments (in this particular case, markers).

If several analysis’s are attached to a same score object, switch between them using the TAB key.

Now that we have analysis in our editor, we can also notice that the contextual menu proposes additional (not necessarily enabled) options, such as Rename Analysis, Reset Analysis (removes all the segments), etc.

2) Interacting with segmentation / analysis data

Default segments and markers can be selected (mouse click) and eventually removed (delete key), analyzed or reanalyzed (when these options are available in the analysis).

After a quick look at the architecture of our framework, we can easily access the analyses, segments and their internal data in our OM patches for further processing.

Let’s define our own analysis

In order to illustrate the process of defining an analysis, let’s look at the example of the predefined analysis pcset-analysis. This analysis allows to select chords or groups of chors in the score and collect or display their representation as a n-cercle object, that is, their pitch class set representation.

Definition of the class:

(in-package :om)


Once this simple definition is evaluated (and if the type of object conforms with the analysis), pcset-analysis becomes available among the proposed analyses for the “Add new analysis” action.


The main segmentation function is compute-analysis-segments. If we want to define it (that is, to allow our analysis to make the segmentation iself), we need to define it. To keep things simple, let’s say that our default segmentation process takes each chord as an individual segment. The class chord-segment defines the segment with a list containing the chord(s) id(s) (positions in the sequence):

(defmethod compute-analysis-segments ((self pcset-analysis) (object t)) 
  (loop for c in (get-real-chords object)
        for i = 0 then (+ i 1) collect
          (make-instance 'chord-segment
                         :chord-ids (list i)
                         :color (om-random-color)

If we want the segmentation process to be enabled in the cotextal menu of the segmentation mode, we now need to defined the following method :

(defmethod compute-segments-p ((self pcset-analysis)) t)


Note that you can reset the segmentation an analysis anytime using the contextual menu item “Rest Analysis”.
Individual segments can also be selected and deleted using the standard ‘remove’ keys.

Manual segmentation

Depending on the analysis process, it might be important to let the user define of modify the segmentation. This can be more or less easy depending on the type of the segment used in the analysis.

At the more general level, one can choose to redefine functions of the API such as analysis-key-event (called when a user presses a key on the editor), analysis-add-click (called when the editor “cmd-clicks”, generally with the intention to “add” something following the OM standards), or handle-segment-doubleclick (called when the user double clicks somewhere on the editor) – all this, only in the “segmentation” mode of the editor.

The standard (predefined) case is that the analysis will “try” to create a segment at “add-clicking” or pressing ‘s’ key. In this case, you can define a personalized behavior by redefining the method segment-handle-add-click or segment-handle-add-key so that it returns a segment of the desired class and correctly initialized.

The set of predefined segment classes generally have such features already implemented. In order to benefit from these features, we just need to specify that our analysis will use segments of a given class, so that the correct and predefined segment-handle-... will be called accordingly :

(defmethod default-segment-class ((self pcset-analysis)) 'chord-segment)

It is now possible to add a segment in our segmentation by selecting a group of chords with the mouse and pressing ‘s’.

Note that chord-segment also have a number of other features implemented : for instance the drawing or selection method when you click on the segment area (which you can redefine using methods from the segments API, respectively, draw-segment and segment-clicked-p).


The main method to define in order to implement our analysis process is analyse-one-segment. This method is supposed to set the contents of the segment’s segment-data slot depending on the associated score data. We use the method chord2c from the OM MathTools library in order to create our n-cercle object from the pitches of the segment’s chords (note that chord-segment has a slot chord allowing to directly access the chord instances instead of retrieving them with the list of chord-ids).

(defmethod analyse-one-segment ((self pcset-analysis) (seg segment) (object t))
  (setf (segment-data seg) 
        (chord2c (make-instance 'chord 
                                :lmidic (apply 'append (mapcar 'lmidic (chords seg))))

We can now notify the system the availability of the analysis process :

(defmethod analyse-segments-p ((self pcset-analysis)) nil)

Two new options will then be available in the contextual menu : “Analyse segments”, and “Analyse selected segment” (if a segment is selected).

We can eventually enable as well the possibility to run directly the segmentation and analysis of the score :

(defmethod compute+analyse-segments-p ((self pcset-analysis)) t)


The function segment-data-tostring allows to print the segment’s analysis contents in the editor. It just needs to return a string and can be specialized for the analysis type :

(defmethod segment-data-tostring ((self pcset-analysis) segment)
  (if (segment-data segment)
      (format nil "~A" (car (puntos (segment-data segment))))

For more advanced display, the method draw-segment-data allows to display the contents using the OM graphics APIs:

(defmethod draw-segment-data ((self pcset-analysis) segment view) 
  (let* ((x1 (time-to-pixels view (segment-begin segment)))
         (x2 (time-to-pixels view (segment-end segment)))
         (mid (round (+ x1 x2) 2))
         (cr 40)) 
  (om-with-font *om-default-font1*
       (when (segment-data segment)
               (draw-cercle (segment-data segment) view 
                            mid (- (h view) 120) 
                            2 3 t 0))
       (om-draw-string (- mid (round (om-string-size (segment-data-tostring self segment) *om-default-font1*) 2))
                       (- (h view) 60)
                       (segment-data-tostring self segment)))))

Where can I find analyses ?

In addition to the simple-segmentation OM embeds the pith class set analysis (pcset-analysis) from the previous section, as well as a simple prototype of quantification (kant-seg).

The harmonic-analysis library proposes an additional interactive framework for score analysis.